Free Delivery in Europe


Who can buy from EpicCentre Supply?

Both trade and retail are welcome to shop at EpicCentre Supply.

What are your opening hours?

We are open Monday-Friday 7am to 5pm, Saturday 7:30am to 1pm.

When will my order arrive?

Delivery times are dependent on the products ordered. Most in stock items will be dispatched next day, same day delivery may be possible. Once your order has been placed, we’ll contact you with exact delivery date as soon as we process your order.

Do I have to be there to receive my delivery?

All deliveries must be signed for. However, this does not have to be the person who placed the order.

Can I get my order delivered to a different address?

Yes, when you checkout you can choose to send your order to a different delivery address. Please note, all items in the same order must be send to the same address.

Will my delivery be unloaded exactly where I need it?

All items will be delivered to the kerbside. Our friendly drivers will do everything they can to accommodate on site requests, however it will be up to their judgment to deem the delivery location to be safe.

Can I reserve an item to pick up in store?

Shop on our website and select your building materials for Click&Collect.

Are all items available for collection today?

In stock items are available for collection same day, and others within 2-5 working days.